Tuesday, September 2, 2014

In Which Shantzy Pantz and also Shantzy Pantz go hiking...

Hey People I sent this link to, here is the trip Steve and I took to the Adirondacks.

We drove past this field on the way to the Adirondack Loj (not a typo) from whenst we embarked upon our most excellent adventure...

This was the 'backyard' of our campsite that we accessed from a little trail out the back. Its where did our cooking and kept our bear canisters, also where we killed a lot of time shooting the shit in our own particular manor as we are want to do. Lovely little stream drifted past.
Typical trail, with a stream running down the middle. Almost every step we had to choose wisely as we hiked. Water down the middle was actually less of a challenge than some of the low-laying swampy areas where we had to do some rerouting. We never felt it was unpleasant though. Just one way for things to be.
It rained the last night we were there so hiking out posed some challenges since the rivers were higher. Steve ponders...
We had decided our route by this point but I wanted a picture of myself looking stoic and naturey. Have to say I'm pleased with the results.
 Steve starts across...
 Forget the name of these falls, will post soon...
 We thought the scenery could be improved by inserting our faces. We were wrong.
 For those not paying attention, this is the same field on the way out.